Tuesday 20 October 2009

Tim Jackson Talk

Just seen an advert for a talk by Tim Jackson on 'prosperity without growth' in Cambridge. Here's the details for anyone who's interested:

Environment on the Edge 2009-10
Some of the world's leading environmental scientists are coming to Murray Edwards College to continue the series of lectures on how our relationship with the natural world is shaping our present and future priorities.
Lectures are held at 5.15 p.m. in Buckingham House Lecture Theatre, Murray Edwards College.
Admission is free; to reserve a place please email: directorate@unep-wcmc.org
Dates and speakers for the current series:
29 October 2009 - Prosperity without Growth, Professor Tim Jackson, University of Surrey
Environment on the Edge is sponsored by The Judge Business School's Centre for Energy Studies and the Hauser-Raspe Foundation, and presented by UNEP-WCMC, Murray Edwards College, St Edmund's College and the British Antarctic Survey.

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